Thursday 26 January 2012

2012 Chinese New Year

So today is my last holiday since I need to start working tomorrow, and I had a very nice Chinese New Year experiences with my family for the pass few days :)
At the first day we go to my grandmother house
and of course 'Lou Sang~'
and many others staff including: took ang pau, visits other family members and eat a lot!

The second day pretty much the same just at my mother's home town Melaka, and two hours of traffic jam while going back...
But we do had a lot of fun!
 (PS: Don't try to find me in this picture cos I'm holding the camera)

And the third day we go shopping~!
... at Lau Yat.... and I spend 'some' money..................
Alright! That's all! I REALLY didn't spend a lot of money on some things I don't really need!

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